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Huitong technology, prof林畫essional quality training
2016-10-15 16:31:52  Release  Browsing times新間:

  In a growing soci金件al competition environment, the compe朋南tition between modern enterprises拿家 is the talent competition, tale兵術nt competition is at the core of the 煙計professional level of comp匠都etition. Professional trainin資麗g for enterprise employees' 劇友professional ethics, pro短術fessional skills, profe靜道ssional behavior and profes笑房sional style and professional con你跳sciousness and so on to carry out profe國懂ssional training, main pu在畫rpose is through training to im到窗prove employee's work attitude, impro姐路ve the staff's working image, impro算讀ve the staff's team conscious技金ness, improve the staff國子's communication skills, etc., 劇空through improve the st秒東aff's comprehensive quality and ab我購ility, promote the orderly and笑機 optimize the enterprise m是刀anagement, thus achieve the ultimate go小場al of organizational success.

  Huitong technology deeply rea河新lize the importance of em些哥ployees' professional quali水知ty, and put forward the "professiona民信l quality training month" act畫外ivities, on October 15, 22, 醫我26, have organized all亮都 the staff to participate in the trai金厭ning classes for professio年東nal quality promotion, busin兵唱ess etiquette training, furth腦黃er enhance the ability of 答聽the strengthen team buildin通去g; At the same time, make 銀慢the staff through training ideas, 市為change ideas, improve pers火白onal capacity, and in但光creased employee talent and dedica知上tion and innovation 吧月 spirit.

  Staff professional quality train很船ing courses in ascension, a managemen市又t consultant miss sun in the鐘呢 logic of workflow pr服吧ocess, find out the c懂兒ommon work disability, by analyzing票司 the four basic skill跳到s employees, staff s關的hould focus on promotion q長新uality, the scene atmosphere, app器算lause, fire employees and 從小benefit a lot. 

   Appearance, 火區it is a card no words i行就s of great importance, business etique物店tte training courses, teacher l新議i expounds the professional literac答從y is a kind of individua唱火l behavior norms and behavior itself,高醫 and the connotation of professional q不知uality, analyzes in detail the b體從asic business etiquette, the gra藍雪ve and warmly, course help staff to低歌 better use shoes in daily work.&麗一nbsp;

    Enterprises業拿 directly raise the level 匠煙of management ability an會小d professional quality 外放training skills, work p師街rovides a new train o如線f thought, knowledge, inf黑什ormation and skills, is the mos的化t important human resour就會ce development, staff professional 他術quality improvement is是歌 a long-term process, huitong techno家林logy will actively carry ou你內t relevant training and project act好事ivities, let us every "huito長金ng people" in our own "huitong plat熱服form" on all aspects o分上f the comprehensive promotion,我如 to promote our pla化微tform to continue to go forward, br中鐘ing us "huitong platform" bi拍上gger, better and faster development.&議窗nbsp;

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